My cat would go to the front and if it was raining trot happily to the back. The expression on his beautiful black and white face when it was raining both places was so annoyed.<br>The worst was when he was out in a horrible snowstorm. He had gone out the night before and not come back on time and it wasn't snowing then. When I came down in the morning he was on the window ledge covered by about a foot of snow. If looks could kill. Esepcially when I collapsed in hysterical laughter. He was a wonderful cat. I still miss him.<br>
<br>The dogs never go out the front. Sometimes they'll run for the back door in this excited pack and when I open it and it is pouring out they skid to a stop, stick their noses almost out the door and retreat-- back to nappies. Mitchell never minded the weather. He would go out in anything. As a rule the group I have now do not like rain especially. Yesterday when I was out picking up the yard there was a sudden and extremely loud CRRRRAAAAACCCKKKK of thunder directly overhead. I wish I had a camera. It was so bad even the Bassets were stunned into stillness, and over them, like a blurred steeplechaser went Cooper, clearing each Basset by about four feet, headed for the back door at 100 mph. Poor baby.<br>
<br>The Bassets livened up then and also headed in. I was right with them. It WAS a little surprising.<br>