<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 12pt; color: #330033'><P><BR>I just had to respond to a few posts:</P>
<P>1. Hamsters are cute and wonderful! Their urine does smell if they just go anywhere in their cage. To prevent this, use a Hamster Potty. Yes, I thought it was ridiculous, but it works. Once Ziggy (the hamster) was rolling around in his hamster ball. The bassets love to follow him around and keep their eyes on him while I clean his cage. I noticed that I didn't hear the rolling and usual noise from the gang. I went to check and lo! and behold! the door had come off the ball. Gigi had that hamster out in her paws, licking him with her eyes closed. Beau, our basset mix, had a look of bloodlust in his eyes as he watched. Anyway, no harm to the hamster, but he was very wet!</P>
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<P>2. Gigi loves to eat cicadas. Even when she was just a few months old, she would catch them. She would hold it in her mouth and look around guiltily. We could hear it buzzing and jumping around in there. Maybe they're a good source of protein? (yuk....)</P>
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<P>3. Remember Rex, the dog who politely asked for the leftover nachos? The writer didn't say what kind of dog he was. I am imagining a proud, aloof collie. Can you tell us what breed he is? What an angel! Gigi and Beau would have had those nachos polished off in a heartbeat. Gigi is the evil genius; Beau just helps out with the clean-up.</P>
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<P>4. We are glad to see the squid revived! RoseyMae is such a darling! (Marilyn just fainted!)</P>
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<P>xoxo to all in need of that healing Drool,</P>
<P>Susan in LR</P></div></body></html>