<div>Ahroos to all from Richmond, Virginia. This afternoon I discovered what appear to be warts in Baloo's mouth (he's almost 10 months old). They're not bothering him, but of course I'm concerned. I did some research on line and read a lot of positive comments on a product called FlexPet. It's primarily a joint supplement, but seems to work very well on boosting immune systems/ reducing warts from canine papilloma virus. Does any one have any experience, either with CPV, or FlexPet? Baloo just has a few warts (small cluster or four or five on his upper gum; a stray one on his lower lip, and two more stray ones on his upper gums). I want to stay ahead of this if at all possible.</div>
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<div>Drool to all in need, </div>
<div>Lisa & Baloo</div>