Hiya Dis Nigel an Llewis.<br> MomPerson got she a real bed inna room where we's sleeps. We gots crates she gots da bed.<br>Enyways dis mornin MomPerson gots up kinder inneresting.<br><br>See ebber mornin wen it still dark an mebbe 4 clockie time, Llewis gotta go ousside. (Llewis youse does too. Youse nose it.) I meen, he gotta. So she gits up ebber time an let we ousside. Sumtime if it lader den dat she gib we breffas. Den she go backa bed. BWAAAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH sure she do.<br>
<br>So dis mornin like youshuall, she git up, led we ousside, feeds we, goes backa bed. It still dark. I curls up. Conley curls up. Mr. Cooper, Sir, he loose so he somewheres else inna hawse. It dark we cant see him enyways. Llewis curl up. Den Llewis uncurl, re curl, un curl re curl. Mobe da crate pad. He nails berry berry loud on dat medal floor pan when he push da blankie oudda da way. MomPerson tell he to seddel. He seddel. He git up turn aroun. He turn aroun agin. MomPerson tell he SEDDEL DOWN. She not heppy.<br>
<br>Llewis seddel. He moob a leg. Den da odder leg. Da nails skritch. I heers MomPerson breethin an it not nice an deep an eezey. She say <b>LLEWIS!!!!</b> He stopt. He quite. MomPerson snuggle down. Llewis sigh. Llewis sigh agin. Llewis moan. Llewis moan and sigh and ledda liddel whiney sound. MomPerson got she teef clinch, I kin tell frum my crate. I reel silence an so Conley too. Llewis moob two legs, sigh,moan and whine.<br>
Alla sudden oudda nowheres but aboud 6 inchies frum MomPersons hedbone but where she cant see cus ob da bed and da dark come<br><br><b><font size="6">BARK!<font size="2"><br><br></font></font></b><font size="6"><font size="2">It Mr. Cooper Sir walkering in in da dark staning behine da bed and MomPerson fly up outta da bed like a boid...a kinder mad boid at dat, mebbe a eegel. She hair all ober da place she eyeballs big as buggies an I kin heer her hart poundin frum where I be. Her hairs prakictally on end. Mr. Cooper sir, he awreddy long gone. (He no fool, I gots to say dat.)<br>
<br>So dat how MomPerson come to be up at 4:30 dis mornin, drinkin cofey wif her hans still shakin. We done gone in da odder room an gone asleep all cept Conley whut found a magik pen fing, a pad a paper, sum paper towels, a boddel cap an sum cleen close alla which he chewed up wiffin about ten seconts.<br>
Mr. Cooper sir, he still sleepin in da DadPerson room....<br><br>Dat we morning. <br>Drool to all in need,<br><br>Nigel, Llewis, Conley an Mr. Cooper, Sir.<br></font></font>