<div>hey we got some way kewl basset bracelets <a href="http://s166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/cowbobdog/dailydroolpics/?action=view¤t=PROOF-2.jpg" target="_blank">http://s166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/cowbobdog/dailydroolpics/?action=view¤t=PROOF-2.jpg</a> to raise money for rescue with the Secret partner game but you dont have to be playing secret partner to get one</div>
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<div>they are way kewl tri-colored bracelets and you can adopt one for only 7.50 and all the proceeds from this months sales will go to Basset Rescue of FLorida to help the homeless hounds in Florida where our Leonard is from....so contactus at <a href="mailto:cowbobdog@gmail.com" target="_blank">cowbobdog@gmail.com</a> to order a ton of them or even one..</div>
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<div><br clear="all">King Bob the DOg, Jasmine, Lenny & Lexie</div>
<div><br><br>The Life and TImes of Ben G Meyer<br><a href="http://s166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/cowbobdog/?action=view¤t=9791efac.pbr" target="_blank">http://s166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/cowbobdog/?action=view¤t=9791efac.pbr</a><br>
<br>Bobs store <a href="http://www.kbspecialties.com/" target="_blank">www.KBspecialties.com</a><br></div>