Keep the drool coming - it seems to be helping. Yesterday Winfield
ate every speck of a can of Evanger's Turkey (heck, I'D eat Evangers
turkey!!) and went for a few short walks across the kitchen and to the
water bucket with the help of a sling. He stood at the bucket
unaided and even shook out the kinks without falling over. He is
still sleeping most of the time, but he always has. The only
differenceis that he now stays in the bed we put him in. Normally he
plays musical beds and tries out them all during the day.<br /><br />crazy
basset lady<br />MAKE DROOL NOT WAR <br /><br />Please take time to visit
these websites: <br />Rebec Bassets at <br /> <br
/>Basset Buddies Rescue, Inc. at <br /><br />