<div>A while back it was all over the news about some dogs ability to sniff out cancer. I completely believe this. Elphaba, my three year old, is always sniffing at the left side of Copper, my Sr's, mouth. He has a cancerous tumor in his mouth on that side, slow growing and non-metastasizing, but cancer none the less. She "smells" right at it all the time. She also tends to sniff at his left ear, which is constantly getting infected. I can always tell when an infection is coming on because she'll start sniffing that ear.</div>
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<div>Even stranger is that she always sniffs very determinedly at my daughter's back right behind the left kidney, almost like she's trying to find something she lost in there. This happens several times a day and seemed very strange to me for a while. At 15 my daughter has had 5 kidney stones on that side and they now suspect she has something wrong with that entire kidney!</div>
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<div>A vet told me once that a Basset can smell a drop of blood the size of the head of a pin, under six feet of solid concrete, 10 years after it was put there. With noses that sensitive, it makes perfect sense that they could sniff out anomalies in their furfriends and humans.</div>
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<div>Brenda- momslave to Copper and Elphaba- both master sniffer's!</div>