We gotz reel dogs here. We gotz we: Nigel Llewis an Conley. Whut deez peepels fink we be, kittycatz? Peeces ob melon? <br>We ahroo we bark we whimprz (well, Cnly does) an we gotz teef lotsa teef to bite wif, onley we nebber bites. Ok mebbe oncet a while by axident.<br>
Mossly whuts we gots be FEELINZ an we feelinz hurt by dem peepels whut fink we not reel dogs.<br><br>We nose whut dey meen. Dey meen we aint got legs. We aint out dere in da cold, dirty wadder fetchin ded dux. Wadder where fish poop. Wadder fulla bugs an germans. (Whut? Germans germans... youse nose Llewis, liddel bugs an stuff. Oh. Sorry. sorry.) GERMS. Fulla Germs. We not out dere runnin full tilt (tilt-- yeah, dey tilted ok) in da heet affer sum rag onna string like dem Grezyshoundies, poor fings, chasin a rag...<br>
We not out dere stanning in da middel some hot, dry, burr-filled feeld one leg in da air tryna show some peerson dat dere a liddel bird inna bush so da person can blow it ta teensy bits wif dat big ole fing what breke earrdrums.<br>
We not out dere leeding da blined cuz we short. (We mebbe work sumfin out if da peepel no mind some side trips to da meet markit an stuff) <br><br>We nose all dis. <br>So da next time sum liddel chile get loss inna woods an dey needs a REEL nose to fine she.....you lettuce nose. Den we sees who da reel dogs be. We an da Bloodyhoundies, dass who da reel nose be.<br>
<br>"Real dogs"my ....nebbermind.<br><br>Drool to all youse whut need it.<br>Nigel, Llewis an Conley whut be INsulded. (Cooper he in da bafroom cuz it thunnering. Drawz you own conklushuns bowt dat.)<br>