<br/>Abner came through his lump surgery with flying colors. He danced out to greet us when we came to pick him up and has pretty much been ignoring us since, to let us know how awful the experience was. We had a bioipsy done, but the results are yet to come, of course.<br/><br/>We are so glad we had Abner's dental done. While the vet did his teeth, she found an infected molar. It just started, so she's hoping the antibiotic he's on for the surgery will clear it up. Otherwise we need to take him to a specialist.<br/><br/>Of course Abner was just wonderful for the vet and her techs. No sign of aggression--they think he's wonderful. I talked with her about the fact that Abner seems to be grumpier on days when the weather changes (either way), and she says dogs with back trouble can be worst in bad weather. But she thinks I should talk to the behaviorist too. I'm fairly sure he'll say Abner can't hold the back surgery against me, but as Droolers know, basset minds are not normal dog minds! Wish I could understand Abner's.<br/><br/>Thanks to all who sent drool Abner's way or drooled in private. If you could send just a bit more for that tooth...<br/>Pam, with Drew, food slave to the Dashing Bassets