My dogs are not debarked but I have threatened. We did a lot of it where I worked because we had a lot of * and *s (I am leaving the breeds out so that this is not misunderstood as a slam against those breeds or their owners) breeders and many of them debarked their dogs (at least they did) quite often. These 2 breeds in particular tend to have a kind of shrill, whiney bark that is very piercing, and they bark a lot. If you have 10 of them and are showing and breeding, your neighbors are apt to get a little ornery.<br>
So people know, it does not involve cutting into the throat from the outside.<br>Debarking is done much like a tonsillectomy, and a little wedge is cut from the vocal cords.It takes about ten minutes if the Vet knows what he is doing.<br>
<br>I am very ambivalent about debarking. If it is a choice of doing it or getting rid of the dog....well...<br>I do not think debarked dogs suffer mental anguish because they cannot bark loudly. I don't think they know they aren't normal. It is like neutering. Dogs do not actually "know" they have been neutered. They did not understand the consequences nor were they looking forward to puberty (except maybe Conley) so they can breed.<br>
This is just my personal opinion. Feel free to attack. <br><br>MomPerson to Nigel (I bark I bark a lot) Llewis (No I bark more!) Conley (yarrryarrryarrryarrr) & Cooper (SHUT UP<br>