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I just picked up the stick to a Tootsie Roll Pop that was enjoyed by Miss Ninja while the rest of the crew sat around and watched. The funny thing about this is that she is really picky about what she eats. It must have been calling her name. At least she ate it on a throw rug. There are little red bits all over. She was licking them up slowly. Maybe she was taunting the other girls. She now has her head on my leg and is napping. We all had a biscuit after that so everyone got something. <BR>
Maggie is still the Mistress of all the Bones. Even though they are not new, they are all hers. We have to thow them out in secret or she gets very upset. She is never fierce about anything but her bones and hooves. If I step on one more of them in the dark they will all be gone. <BR>
Every day I am amazed at the fact that I am Ninja's person. She likes everyone in the house and no one out of it. She likes or tolerates her housemates, even the Smack and Roll kitty boys, but I am the one she sticks to and sleeps up against. Now I have her on one side of my legs and a kitty on the other. Nic is the one who held her all the way home when we went to get her. The boys played with her and showed her around. Somehow she gravitated to me. She is my shadow in or out. If I leave and there is another human here, I know she whines, cries and howls for me to come back. Basset love is a wonderful thing. We have had eight bassets over the years including the ones we have now. None except for Ninja has ever come close to what she does. I don't know why she chose me but I'm glad she did. <BR>
We are sending drool to any in need. Glad to hear that the Brudder is back. I always get such kick out of the Brudder's stories. They wouldn't be the same without the glorious Elder Clara. You go girl. Shelby has been taking lessons. She is becoming the Elder Diva around here. We also love the Nigel, Lewis, Conley and Mr. Cooper Sir stories. <BR>
Ninja--I ated the tootsie pop an it was good. I ated it awl by myslf. An it was red an messy an stiky.<BR>
Marley--Ninja is a pig. She dint share at all. I have to go in my grumpy place now. <BR>
Maggie--I no screech awl da times. I a big gurl. I hab da biggie bark. I do real biggie barkies. No screechin. Mamma wrong bout dat. <BR>
Shelby--I am the elder Stateswooman here. I deserb awl the respect an awl da treets an awl da foodies too. <BR>
and the kitties who are too busy smacking each other around to write anything<BR>
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