Joey just gave me a scare! We were at the dog park, he was running & playing with his new doggie friends, and I look over & he's sitting there licking his front left paw, and biting it! I looked it over, I felt it up & down the leg, looked at toes (including dew claw), and I can't find anything! He was 100% when we went to the park, so no idea what it was! Then, his big friend, Stella, the St. Bernard came into the park, and he got up & was chasing her all over! Acting like nothing was wrong!! I can't figure this dog out! I'm going to ice it a bit, and if it swells or if he keeps favoring it, we'll be at a vet first thing in the morning. Current theory is that he got bit by a bee, or an ant, or some sort of insect. He's baring weight on it, and hasn't made a peep about it! (The last time he was injured, he never made a sound, so that doesn't mean anything!) So, if anyone has just a few drops of drool, Joey could use some "nothing wrong with your paw!" drool.<br>
<br>Other than that, he's settling in well. I noticed a difference with him at the park late last week. He now has started to initiate play, he's no longer trying to hump every dog at the park, and he runs with the pack pretty well. He still barks there A LOT, but that's normal! And it's "let's play NOW!!" sort of barking, not "say that again & I'll rip your tail off!" sort of barking. He hasn't completely destroyed the blinds in a week, so I'll take that as a good sign!! But, he does still yowl every time I leave, even if it's just across the hall to do laundry! <br>
-- <br>-Karrie, momma to Joey, Aunty to Checkers & Crispin (wb)<br><br>Joey's dogster page: <a href=""></a><br><br>GABR Waddle Pledge page: <a href=""></a> <br>