<div>Wow Debbie, thank you for the shout out. I'm here, and I've been lurking this summer. In case you haven't guessed from my posts, I have a wee touch of obsessive-compulsive disorder. I got a new job early this summer, and we're building a house/planning a move, so I fell behind on my Drools. I kept promising myself I would catch up and send drool, etc. to everyone, but as I grew further and further behind on my responses I felt guilty because I didn't want to leave anyone out, but didn't have time to catch up. Let's just say that some days the meds work better than others :-). I was going to post tonight anyway, despite the guilt, because tomorrow is my beloved Geoffrey's 3rd Gotcha Day. Thanks to him I have Molly and Henry as well, and help BROOD with their rescue work. But your note was a good reminder that I need to pipe up again. To all of those who have lost babies this past summer please know that my heart has bled for all of you, and we've sent good wishes to all of those who asked for them in our hearts. I have READ each and every Drool, just haven't responded.</div>
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<div>So getting back into form and starting fresh with Debbie's posting, we're sending "sorry that you're in trouble" drool to Elder Clara (especially Molly, who has a tendency to tinkle where we would prefer that she not...she can sympathize). Healing drool to Jake and Kookla -- we hope you pull through. Heart healing drool to Dawn of the West for the passing of Turbo, Molly, and Ross -- we were in San Diego the week of the Station Fire, and I kept warning my husband that I might have to rent a car at a moment's notice to help with the evacuation to Tarzana. I'm glad we didn't need to. Healing drool to Ella; we hope she pulls through OK -- we know her boy needs her. And finally, heart healing drool to Joff on his loss of Sherlock Holmes, and as a BROOD volunteer thank you for the love and wonderful life you gave him.</div>
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<div>And again, happy, happy Gotcha Day to my Big Boy, Geoffrey. He is the bossiest, smartest, most loving dog I know, and I can't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't called Dad over at PetSmart at pet adoption day three years ago and opened that cage and welcomed you into our hearts and home. Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Rosebud, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>