<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><P>Hello all - its been a while, other than my post on my annoyance with the local veterinarian, but thought I'd send a quick update.</P>
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<P>First, its official.... for the second year in a row, the former MoonZoo is not GABR Waddling. Last year, it was for a joyful reason - a 100th birthday party. This year, the combination of layoffs of both myself and Sean (the across the street boyfriend), the new jobs, my ongoing bad health, and other factors have just made it nearly impossible to take the weekend time to go. We had hoped to get to the Bash at least, but now company is coming and we're swamped. Hope everyone has fun and it is immensely successful. Next year we have to make it!!</P>
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<P>Also, thanks to a few DD friends, we have had a successful private rescue here. Sean and his 8 year old Connor lost their dog Mishu after 15 years and were looking for a new baby to share their (and my) home. As of the beginning of September, we are joined by Abbygail, a 6 month old black bassedor who was rescued by Donna LaVallee and has made the multi legged trip to become an OEBE to be. She is an absolute joy and spends her time between the "quiet" of Sean's house and the chaos of mine. Bailey is so happy to have a playmate, though Wendell, who is now 9 years old and Probert the boxer (11) and the 14 year old cats kinda stay out of their way. </P>
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<P>Just wanted to say hello and that we're still here and trying to read when we can. Love and drools to all in need!!</P>
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<P>Heather, slave to the Chicagoland OEBE Regional HQ</P>
<P>Pw. Wendell W. Bottom, OEBE Viceroy, Bailey MacKenzie, OEBE Evil Enchantress (Hi Sophie!), Probert BABES Pugilist, Bilbo and Sparkey the cats and Abbygail who is doing her best to be all she can OEBE </P></div><br>