<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV>I've had several dogs that have leaned toward vomiting in the night. Usually it's a matter of their tummy getting too empty in the night. A growing dog leans toward this a lot. I would try to break up dinner so they get a little before they go to bed. If that doesn't fix it, talk to your vet. They might prescribe a little Pepcid. The greenish is most likely bile. During the week I'm the main feeder and dinner is at 5:00. However, on the weekends my hubby does the feeding and the moaning and groaning makes him cave around 3:00. If I forget a bedtime snack, I can almost guarantee vomit. You gotta love those SpotBot's, a carpet's best friend.</DIV>
<DIV>Janet, momslave of Carlie Jane, Yogi and Bunny </DIV>
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