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oh Beth, I cried and cried reading your words about losing sweet little Emma...my heart just breaks at the intensity of the emotions you must have felt as you did everything possible to care for her, and make her last days on this Earth so filled with love and comfort. I feel such sorrow at the thought of what is now to come...you now facing having to tell your friend, and how she is going to feel, and the terrible sadness that will surround you...oh please know that your DD friends are holding your hand as you face this difficult task...you are indeed a soul of extreme grace and I believe without a doubt that Emma knew she was in good, safe, completley adored hands with you as she let go of the burden of this life and moved on to a place free of any physical ailments. i lost my beloved Basset princess Masami 5 weeks ago today, suddenly and with no warning of any health problems, and although it was devastating,and i am still reeling with grief and sorrow at losing my (9 and a half yr old) baby, i am so grateful that she was in my loving arms as she took her last breath...and just yesterday, our friends who were visiting from St. Louis recieved an early morning phone call with the sad and shocking news that one of their precious ferrets had passed aways unexpectedly while in the care of their "sitter", and i felt so so terrible for them to have not been able to be there to ease her transition... it can be a cruel and unfair world, but it is also a world where we are allowed to be so blessed by the amazing pure love of animals who trust and adore us unquestionably, and the joy we are gifted from them is worth any amount of sadness when we must let them go and move on to their next journey. Bless you Beth for being, next to Emma's mom, the exactly perfect human she needed as she made her transition. Take care of yourself, try to rest and know that you did everything you could, and in her final days, Emma was surrounded by love- calm, peaceful and safe.<BR>
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