<div>Dis Brudder Elwood. Yup, we gotz a rodent. It heppin yesserday whut bee toosedey whut nebber be me Momma's faborite dey cause she alweys a seyin iffin it gonna blow it blow on toosedey. Well, it blowed. I tellz da storie, an dis da truf. </div>
<div>I doin me affer da no lunch bowl time, an I kinnder a watin fur da mail truck whut I like to gib a biggie bark at. I lookie out da winnder, an I seyz oh hebbinly doggies, whut dat?? I gib it da bark, whut bring on Brudder Jake whut bring on Sister Daisy whut bring on Ol Bob, and den Elder Clara finally show da mug cause we all a raizin da cane. Momma is a yellin down da stairs. She seyz HEY--DON'T MEKE ME COME DOWN DERE. See she seyz dis an dis meanz she be wurkin an we needz to bee gud. Not toodey. She com a trompin dem biggie footz down da stairs an wee bee a tryin to rip out da winnder. She lookie out dere cause da rodent be rite dere.Rite dere in da front ob me home. Momma swoon. Momma lookie agin, why dis be summfin called a musketrat. Nebber hearz ob dis, but it bee big and it so uglie it lookie mean. All fibe ob we a barkin an a runnin and tryin now to git out da glass door at dis fing whut ain't scared ob all ob we. </div>
<div>Momma she run to da food room, she git da telliephone in one paw and she git da broom in da odder. Brudder Elwood gib dis broom siteeation liddel fink cause dis ain't no time to be a sweepin, but dis too shall pass. Momma on da phone wif da city peepuls. She seys it be big, it be ugly it be rite here come on ober. Dem folks sey fank youze fur callin, but we no dooze dat. Momma git out dat bookie wif da yeller pages and she call dis place called Critterz Controlz. She tell da man git on out to da home, we gots critter problumz. She still a holdin da broom.Da man seyz ladie it be a musketrat. It leeb in a liddel bitz.</div>
<div> DEN IT HEPPEN.</div>
<div>Momma still on da telliephone wif da man an da musketrat walk rite on me porch an gib da Brudder da eyeball.</div>
<div>Momma now a tellin da man to brin da shotgun, it comin up to da door. </div>
<div>Da rooodent now a standin up on dem back legz a lookin and now da Brudder Elwood is a screamin- Momma open up da door I teke it down rite now. We all a tearin at da door, da man hang up on me Momma whut still got da broom. Da rodent gib Momma a lookie ans it stroll on ober unner da car.</div>
<div>Momma callz da big gunz now, she callz Daddy. </div>
<div>She seyz we gotz big ugly nasty rodent out here, youze needz to come home. RITE NOWZ.</div>
<div>---------Brudder Elwood, whut ain't got no big boy brains is a lookin at dis wooman whut got fibe hound dogs rite dere to git da job dun in bout a minute, and she clutchin da broom an callin all ober da city.---------- </div>
<div>Daddy seyz he gotz a meetin. Momma seyz dere gonna be a specul meetin iffin youze rumpbones ain't gittin in da car an a comin home to git dis rodent.</div>
<div>--------Brudder Elwood a listenin now cause Momma a usin "dat tone" whut meanz she gonna blow. I bee a finkin he best bee a catchin on to da storie cause she still gotz da broom, and da Brudder ain't a feelin safe no madder whut side ob da door I be on.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Da rodent stay all affernoon. It leeb when Daddy come home.</div>
<div>Daddy scurry out da door an go buy biggie hab a heart trap.</div>
<div>We hearz da specul snap ob da trap. We got a rooodent. But wrong roodent.</div>
<div>Daddy gotz da bunny rabbit in da trap.</div>
<div>Da rodent still at large.</div>
<div>Da broom still by da front door.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Drool to all in need<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both">Debbie Winchester<br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to<br>
Ol' Bob, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake<br>
OEBE Elder Clara, Queen of Farts<br>
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds</div>