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Brudder Elwood - guess what!?! We gots the rodent at our house too, but Momma slave says it's a possum. I know one thing - it sure is ugly. It's a small one, but crazy ol' Momma bout has a heart attack when she opens the door and sees that critter on the porch. She tells it to "go away, you ugly (one of them bad words)" and then she says, "shoo, shoo - you stupid critter". But the crazy old woman has named it - Cecil. We don't know what is wrong with our Momma. She won't let us on the porch until the critter has gone on out in the yard. Heck, we have bunny rabbits in the yard and she's named them too. Poor Momma - she's been working too hard. She even named the skunk down by the creek, Stinky. I hope you get rid of your rodent real soon. <BR>
J.D. Taylor - the fast & furious hound with his other brudder Morgan, and foster brudder, Virgil<BR>
Crazy Ol' Momma - Dianne<BR>
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