I know I've been rather remiss in posting to the drool, but being back in school, along w/the waddle, adopting Slater, etc. has kept me ridiculously busy recently!<br><br>But, I took Slater to the vet today, found out he has a yeast infection in both ears, and that vet agrees, he needs to have the lump on his head removed, and a dental BADLY! We're talking that if his breath could be harnessed, it could be used as a WMD bad! So, we could use some "nothing bad w/the lump!!" drool for monday!! He seems healthy, doc agrees that he's 99% good dog, but 1% Demon dog! He's great, loves everyone from seniors to small children, and other dogs of all shapes and sizes (until they try to hump or jump over him. We have some Newfies & a St. Bernard in the complex, so they sometimes view him as a speed bump & jump over him.) But, he does NOT like his ears or paws messed with! The lump worries me a bit, as it's on top of his head, but it's NOT attached to his skull! I'd have automatically feared the worst if that was the case, but if you pet his head, the lump will move with his skin, so that's a good sign, I think! But still, if anyone has any "no bad stuff in the lump!!" drool, we'd love some. Also, some "let momma put the meds in your ear drool!" would be appreciated on momma's end too!<br>
<br>See, Slater HATES having his eye meds put in; his ears, well, they're long, so if I'm quick, I can pick up a flap, and even if he tries to chew on me, I have a bit of maneuvering room, but he literally yelps like I'm trying to kill him when I try! So, yeah, if only he'll let me just put in the meds for 2 weeks, hopefully this'll all be behind us!<br>
<br>Both the boys here are sending drool (Slater's is special Graham Cracker drool!) to those other houndies what need it! We do keep up w/reading the drools, just don't always post.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>-Karrie, momma to Joey, Aunty to Checkers & Crispin (wb)<br>
<br>Joey's dogster page: <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/637473">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/637473</a><br><br>GABR Waddle Pledge page: <a href="http://www.firstgiving.com/kueckerhounds">http://www.firstgiving.com/kueckerhounds</a> <br>