Well, my ornery old hound (and he's only 7!) is home! He's somewhere off, floating around in outer space, and it took a good 15 mins. and some graham crackers (even though they said he shouldn't eat today... nothing else worked, honest!) to get him out of the back of the car.<br>
<br>But, good news on many fronts!! Vetman took out the mass, said he's 100% sure it's a fluid filled cyst, and therefore 100% curative, meaning all is well, as soon as the incision heals! Also, he removed 3 teeth. Slater had double canines on the bottom (and I think vet said also top) of his mouth. I was told he "had funny teeth, no one knows why" when I went to adopt him. I knew they'd have to come out with about a 10 min. search on google that said it was a common affliction, and that for the sake of avoiding early tooth loss, they pull the baby teeth out. Also, had his ears completely flushed, cleaned & medicated the ears & eyes well he was under. <br>
<br>I'm REALLY not happy that NONE of these issues had been dealt with by the rescue (where he was in for about 9 mos.) prior to adopting, and frankly the condition I got him in worried me, and the fact that I had to pay over $600 to get him back on his feet (after adoption fees) also doesn't make me happy, as they could have easily been remedied prior, with one follow up appointment!!<br>
<br>But, I'm REALLY HAPPY that I find out all of his problems were curative, and nothing lingering. Now, if we can only get the double yeast infections in the ears under control, I think he could be a happy, healthy hound for quite some time!!<br>
<br>-Karrie, momma to Da Blue Brudders Joey (why's dinner late?!) and Slater (big purple bunnies, and soft fluffy clouds...), aunty to Checkers & Crispin (wb) <br>