<div>Dis Brudder Elwood. Deeba youze gonna hab to wait. Da Brudder gonna dooze da ventin ob da anger.</div>
<div>Dat rite Brudder Elwood snortin mad. Las nite not gud. I tellz you da storie.</div>
<div>Daddy com home liddel early. Dat gud. I git shobed in me cage. Dat not gud, but I bee finkin I git me bowl early. So much fur finkin, cause dey loadin up Elder Clara in me BUV. Hmmmm, she a goin to see Doc. Meebe he gib her attertude justmentz, she been full ob herself ob late. Dat Auntie Anitia dat tell Momma bout dat Q stuff dun create a monster wif da ol wooman, but dat nudder storie.</div>
<div>So anywhooze, I wait. I wait. I wait sum more. I checkie me time tellin moochin--me bellie dat is cause I be starbin-and I still waitin.</div>
<div>Otay, me bowl now free hourz late. Dat rite one, tooze, free hours late. Dere gonna be sum splainin to dooze ober dis one.</div>
<div>Well, dey com home. Brudder Elwood in full roar. Momma gettin da food ready, Elder Clara smell. It ain't no gud smell but, git me bowl ready. I sit rite dere an watch. I lissen cause Daddie com a roarin in dat home, he seyz to Momma, why she ebbin git a turd unnder da front dribin seat.</div>
<div>Me earflaps go up. What happin to ME BUV dis time?</div>
<div>I lissen liddel more. Da storie git worrser</div>
<div>Ol Thunder Butt take a dump in me BUV, Momma use da stoppin pedal and da turdz go a rollin. Yup, she lay da load in me ridin moochine. Why dooze it be Toozedey agin dis week? I gonna hab to checkie dat but letz git da bowl. It still free hours late.</div>
<div>Here it com, time to eat. Bring it on.</div>
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<div>Now lookie dat. Dis whut I tellz youze yesserday.</div>
<div>Kibble an yeller squashiez. </div>
<div>We gonna talk bout dis. Affer I eat dat is.</div>
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<div style="CLEAR: both">Debbie Winchester<br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to<br>
Ol' Bob, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake<br>
OEBE Elder Clara, Queen of Farts<br>
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds</div>