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<DIV>Dis bees Mggie Wags, meez gotz a Pondering Situation here, Momma she
bees on a roll, dis whut happins, mooma gotz da moobin bug and she
dun moobed all da furniture in da libbing room. she dun take da lubin seat
an putz it in da libbin room and den she moobed meez sleepin chair out to da
family room.</DIV>
<DIV>Evil Annie dont like it . she bees afraid ob da dark, so last night she dun
jumped in mommas bed. she aint sleepin in no libbin room by herself. momma
gotz da small beddie an Evil annie she dun take her haff of da bed and
partz of momas half of da bed too . well dis not god at all. see
momma gotz one of dem big lard asses, you knowz, heavy duty kind,
and it bees hanging ober da edge of the bed and mooma sez da law of gravity took
ober and once it started on da down slide, why it just keeps on
moobin on down !!!!!!! why it dun shake da whole house, dad
person cum runnin, he dun thought a truck hit our house. daddy tryin hard
not to laugh, he bees real polite an asked if she bees OK ? mooma
NOT in gurd moob now, an she sez, hell yes, I landed on my fat ass
not my head ! By dis time, she dun grabbed Evil Annie and " FLUNG her off da bed
in to da crate and slammed da door ! daddy dun sed we haft ta watch our peas
and Q's whut ebber dat is. I hate peas !!!!!</DIV>
<DIV>Lub Maggie Wags an Evil Annie</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>