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When Rocky was in the hospital I visited her daily (I was fortunate they had a room they let me use for visiting where we could lay on a mat on the floor and snuggle) and they told me she couldn't come home until she would eat so I brought all kinds of foods in to tempt her and finally asked them just exactly what they were doing for her that I couldn't do for her at home, that I was willing to do most anything to bring her home - it took a little convincing but they finally let her come home without eating first - not too long after coming home she ate a little plain rice and turkey lunch meat and was on the mend... <BR>
<BR>> From: dailydrool-request@dailydrool.org<BR>> Subject: Dailydrool Digest, Vol 79, Issue 4<BR>> To: dailydrool@dailydrool.org<BR>> Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 11:43:02 -0700<BR>> <BR>> Send Dailydrool mailing list submissions to<BR>> dailydrool@dailydrool.org<BR>> <BR>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit<BR>> http://lists.dailydrool.org/listinfo.cgi/dailydrool-dailydrool.org<BR>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to<BR>> dailydrool-request@dailydrool.org<BR>> <BR>> You can reach the person managing the list at<BR>> dailydrool-owner@dailydrool.org<BR>> <BR>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific<BR>> than "Re: Contents of Dailydrool digest..."<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> The DAILY DROOL<BR>> An internet mail list designed to<BR>> entertain and inform basset hounds<BR>> and their people.<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> ----<BR>> / \__<BR>> |\ / @ \<BR>> \ \_______| \ .: O<BR>> \ ##| | \__/<BR>> | ####\__/ \<BR>> / / ## \|<BR>> / /__________\ \<BR>> L_JJ \__JJ<BR>> ------------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Daily Drool Website:<BR>> http://www.dailydrool.com<BR>> ***2010 Daily Drool Calendar***<BR>> http://www.cecilgraphics.com/DD2010/calendar.php<BR>> <BR>> Fundraising Information:<BR>> http://www.esthermstrom.com/A55B3D/ddFunds.nsf/byGroup?Open<BR>> <BR>> Dictionary of Common Drool Terminology:<BR>> http://mysite.verizon.net/msrandolph/<BR>> <BR>> Vote for basset of the week:<BR>> http://www.dailydrool.com/vote.html<BR>> <BR>> Daily Drool Archives:<BR>> http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/<BR>> <BR>> Old Daily Drool Archives:<BR>> http://oldarchives.dailydrool.org/dailydrool/<BR>> <BR>> Today's Topics:<BR>> <BR>> 1. Drool (julie h)<BR>> 2. Tinkerbell's Eye (Kathi Lockhart)<BR>> 3. shots (beckyandgeorgie)<BR>> 4. Catching up (Laura Salmon)<BR>> 5. Harness for Dafodill (Katie Strobel)<BR>> 6. Elder Clara Update (basetsavr5@aol.com)<BR>> 7. justin and jade (Johnathan Molyneaux)<BR>> 8. flea help (Kara Carpenter)<BR>> 9. New house (surferdogs@comcast.net)<BR>> 10. Younger Clara is home (Sally King)<BR>> 11. Drool for Elder Clara (clara@spiritone.com)<BR>> 12. Miss Polly has a toothache (Eleri Pastouret)<BR>> 13. Re: Elder Clara Update (Dawn)<BR>> 14. Toenail Clipping (Tom and Debbie Roberts)<BR>> 15. FW: She ruled with an iron paw and big heart and will run<BR>> Woofels for the poor hounds from the Bridge. (Sandy Gaston)<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 1<BR>> Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 21:00:11 -0500<BR>> From: julie h <jules56pt@hotmail.com><BR>> To: dailydrool <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><BR>> Subject: [Dailydrool] Drool<BR>> Message-ID: <BLU102-W27C8CDD4285D541E8F2617ADCE0@phx.gbl><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> We are sending as much drool as 4 bassets and two little kitties can muster. We have had treats and more treats to help. I know Ms. Clara is a tough cookie but we will keep her in our thoughts and prayers just the same. Stories of her remind us so much of our Sunny who left for the bridge a year ago. She may have been the meanest one but we still miss her.<BR>> <BR>> Drool and snooters to any in need.<BR>> Ninja, Marley, Maggie Shelby and the kitty boys <BR>> _________________________________________________________________<BR>> Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft?s powerful SPAM protection.<BR>> http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/177141664/direct/01/<BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 2<BR>> Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 22:01:29 -0400<BR>> From: Kathi Lockhart <slave2bassets@gmail.com><BR>> To: jbly1@kc.rr.com<BR>> Cc: dailydrool@dailydrool.org<BR>> Subject: [Dailydrool] Tinkerbell's Eye<BR>> Message-ID:<BR>> <8798fa3b0910051901x21b562a5he38acb6fb6cee348@mail.gmail.com><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<BR>> <BR>> When I adopted O'Tay over three years ago, I was told she had an eye<BR>> infection and was given drops for her. Within two weeks, her eye was just as<BR>> you describe - blood-red, third eyelid up, and bulging out about twice the<BR>> size of her other eye. Even when you would shine a light in her eye, the<BR>> reflection from the inner eye was red. A visit to the eye doctor resulted in<BR>> O'Tay losing that eye to glaucoma. After that, she was a different dog. You<BR>> could tell how much better she felt.<BR>> It has been three years since O'Tay had the eye removed and she gets drops<BR>> in her other eye twice a day just to keep her pressures in check. So when<BR>> the vet says "close behind" about the second eye, that isn't a given.<BR>> Lots of drool for Tinkerbell from the Little House of Hounds and good<BR>> thoughts from me.<BR>> Kathi and the Little House of Hounds.<BR>> -------------- next part --------------<BR>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<BR>> URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20091005/6912ab2f/attachment-0001.htm><BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 3<BR>> Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 20:51:56 -0600<BR>> From: "beckyandgeorgie" <beckyandgeorgie@shaw.ca><BR>> To: <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><BR>> Subject: [Dailydrool] shots<BR>> Message-ID: <AC1358B5C12B49D9B20FFE55699433F5@owner528dc3258><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<BR>> <BR>> Glad your babies are ok but Houdini the<BR>> runaway cat after her shots got sick and<BR>> quit eating and had to go back to vets<BR>> for treatment.<BR>> Miss Becky didn't get her shots for the last<BR>> five years.<BR>> Georgie<BR>> -------------- next part --------------<BR>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<BR>> URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20091005/bcbdca09/attachment-0001.htm><BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 4<BR>> Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 23:02:54 -0400<BR>> From: Laura Salmon <laurarsalmon@gmail.com><BR>> To: dailydrool@dailydrool.org<BR>> Subject: [Dailydrool] Catching up<BR>> Message-ID:<BR>> <a1a8bf620910052002t19c2cef9t859b22f9c3e01741@mail.gmail.com><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<BR>> <BR>> Welcome to Brandon and congratulations Audrey on your new addition!<BR>> Carolyn, the bassets are sending drool for your dad's broken hip and I'm<BR>> keeping him in my prayers -- how is he doing?<BR>> <BR>> Drool for poor Abbey at Utah Friends of Bassets.<BR>> <BR>> Drool to Baxter and his people on his loss.<BR>> <BR>> No cancer drool for Elmo, and "get rid of the MRSA" drool for Mike,<BR>> Angelika's stepdad. He's in my prayers.<BR>> <BR>> Drool for poor Virgil the gerbil. I hope Anita catches him before the dogs<BR>> or cats do.<BR>> <BR>> Drool for Bo and his colitis.<BR>> <BR>> Hearthealing drool for Anne, and safe journey drool for Quincey. I'm so<BR>> sorry his time with you wasn't longer, but he's happy and free of pain at<BR>> the Bridge.<BR>> <BR>> Happy 15th birthday Gus! What a momentus occasion!<BR>> <BR>> Drool for Flash and his mast tumor, and for Molly's idol Elder Clara and her<BR>> pancreatitis. I don't know what's going on -- so many of our babies have<BR>> that.<BR>> <BR>> And finally, happy gotcha day to Clara the younger, although it doesn't<BR>> sound like a happy day. We're glad you passed the peach pit and are on the<BR>> mend. We're sending nerve-soothing drool to Sally as well with all she's<BR>> going through. Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Rosebud, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub<BR>> (ATB))<BR>> -------------- next part --------------<BR>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<BR>> URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20091005/d5dd8b70/attachment-0001.htm><BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 5<BR>> Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 21:12:37 -0600<BR>> From: Katie Strobel <katie.strobel@gmail.com><BR>> To: dailydrool@dailydrool.org<BR>> Subject: [Dailydrool] Harness for Dafodill<BR>> Message-ID:<BR>> <6ebdf6280910052012t3b032efcw4a461cab29f95c16@mail.gmail.com><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<BR>> <BR>> We recently got a new harness for Watson. He weighs 60 pounds and has a deep<BR>> chest too so I was perplexed by trying to find a harness. I wanted to get<BR>> him one because his stubbornness on walks. When I have to literally yank him<BR>> off of a scent or "re-direct" his attention to the task at hand, I knew it<BR>> probably hurt his neck with the collar. The harness is perfect for this<BR>> purpose, and I think its much more humane on a stubborn hound who refuses to<BR>> budge off of interesting smells unless physically removed from the spot he's<BR>> located one.<BR>> After a lot of drool archive research and bank account considerations, we<BR>> decided on the Lupine Step In Harnesses. Watson has the 1 inch size harness<BR>> and it's the 'step in' kind. it has two straps - one that goes in front of<BR>> his legs and one that goes right behind his front legs - then they both meet<BR>> back in sort of a triangle on his back....the straps are adjustable and<BR>> Watson is pretty much in the middle of the 1 inch size. I love this harness<BR>> - it's durable, relatively inexpensive, strong, it fits great, and they come<BR>> in a great number of fashionable designs for boys and girls. I was going to<BR>> order Watson's from a rescue, but I decided to buy his first one from a pet<BR>> store in town so that we could "try it on" to make sure it was going to<BR>> work. I think it's great for deep chested dogs like bassets because it's not<BR>> so incredibly long as the regular "H-shaped" harnesses.<BR>> <BR>> I do have two minor complaints about the lupine step in harness though:<BR>> First, when we walk and Watson is on one side or the other instead of<BR>> directly out in front of me, the harness will move so that the clasp falls<BR>> to one side. It doesn't bother Watson and doesn't effect how the harness<BR>> works, but it drives me nuts because I'm a bit retentive and it gets<BR>> crooked. A simple pull on the harness is all that is required to get it back<BR>> in the center of his back, and we can merrily proceed on our way, but it<BR>> does aggravate me. Second, I had a lot of trouble figuring out which strap<BR>> goes in the front and which goes in the back. I don't know that it matters<BR>> initially, but since Watson has such a deep chest, one strap has to be<BR>> longer than the other. Now that our harness is fit to Watson's sizes and<BR>> used, we have it figured out and marked to rid ourselves of the confusion,<BR>> but there were a lot of initial re-sizings and flipping around of the<BR>> harness when we first started to use it.<BR>> <BR>> Anyway, it's our first harness ever, so I have nothing to compare it to. I<BR>> have pictures, but I won't attach them to the drool email just email me if<BR>> you want to see examples. It's not anything special but it works for Watson.<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Katie and Watson (who went to the vet for his annual check-up and was deemed<BR>> in "beautiful" health by the vetlady! Phew!! I'd better knock on wood...)<BR>> -------------- next part --------------<BR>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<BR>> URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20091005/ed227ab1/attachment-0001.htm><BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 6<BR>> Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2009 09:59:24 -0400<BR>> From: basetsavr5@aol.com<BR>> To: dailydrool@dailydrool.org<BR>> Subject: [Dailydrool] Elder Clara Update<BR>> Message-ID: <8CC14A458728F68-56B8-A769@webmail-m100.sysops.aol.com><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Momma here, the Elder Clara repawt is slim. She is still in the hospital, she is refusing to eat, which has all of us concerned at this point. Doc has sent off more bloodwork, and I will call again this afternoon. I asked Tina to let Clara know how many folks were worried and had sent e-mails and well wishes for her, and that the magic drool was flowing to get her well and back home on the perch.I know she is in the best of hands, but boy, is this house silent. The rest of the gang is just"here". They are laying down, eyeballs only on the move. I know they are feeling my stress right now also--which is in high gear. <BR>> <BR>> I am so fortunate to have Doc and all the staff we have looking out for her, and I keep wondering and weighing the options of should I go try and convince her to eat, or will seeing me send her stress level up even worse. What do I do here-I feel like I have evil behind all doors. Any suggestions would be so appreciated-and I know many have been down this road of late, please post, let us all know, we learn so much from each other.<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> So thats where we are at, I ask to keep the drool coming for this ol gal, please.<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> One more thing-Younger Clara blowing out a peach pit--this will make Elder Clara very proud.<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Drool to all in need---<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Debbie Winchester<BR>> Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to<BR>> Ol' Bob, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake<BR>> OEBE Elder Clara, Queen of Farts<BR>> OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds<BR>> -------------- next part --------------<BR>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<BR>> URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20091006/597a668a/attachment-0001.htm><BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 7<BR>> Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 09:12:14 +0200<BR>> From: "Johnathan Molyneaux" <Johnathan.Molyneaux@cfgrp.co.za><BR>> To: <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><BR>> Subject: [Dailydrool] justin and jade<BR>> Message-ID:<BR>> <AE137DC6AB6CF5428D412AFA77061FEE015BE93B@NTCFGEXH1.ad.postoffice.co.za><BR>> <BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"<BR>> <BR>> Good morning all<BR>> <BR>> Healing drool to all in need.<BR>> <BR>> Justin woofing in, just come in from the morning patrol of my house and<BR>> I am catching up the latest drools. My sister and I are going to be<BR>> quite busy today the refuse people will be coming to collect the rubbish<BR>> bags, the postman will be doing mail deliveries about 11.00 and on top<BR>> of it all we will have to supervise the garden people while the slaves<BR>> are at work.<BR>> <BR>> Elder Clara we are sad to hear you are in the hospital, you must take a<BR>> back seat while you are there , rest and do all the things that you are<BR>> told to do and before you know it you will be back home helping all the<BR>> seniors to be comfortable in there late years.<BR>> <BR>> Maybe you should think of sharing your work load with the brothers and<BR>> sisters until you are fully recovered. Remind your slaves that you are<BR>> now a sick girl and will need extra special attention when you come home<BR>> from the hospital. We are sending get well and keep well drool.<BR>> <BR>> Petunia we are sending full recovery drool from the vaccine that did not<BR>> agree with you.<BR>> <BR>> Sally and children we are sending lots of coping drool for the issues<BR>> facing your personal lives.<BR>> <BR>> Clara careful what you eat and we are sending full recovery drool for<BR>> your blockage problems.<BR>> <BR>> PW Justin a seniors work is never done.<BR>> <BR>> Jade I do not like work and want to be forever young.<BR>> <BR>> Slaves johnathan ans William.<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> -------------- next part --------------<BR>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<BR>> URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20091006/9556bf28/attachment-0001.htm><BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 8<BR>> Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 05:44:34 -0700 (PDT)<BR>> From: Kara Carpenter <frknhippie@yahoo.com><BR>> To: dailydrool@dailydrool.org<BR>> Subject: [Dailydrool] flea help<BR>> Message-ID: <633391.59487.qm@web45212.mail.sp1.yahoo.com><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii<BR>> <BR>> Rooney and Fitz are on flea/heartworm prevention and we have never had a problem with fleas...until now. I haven't actually seen a flea on either but this morning I found 2 fleas on me and the baby while playing in the floor :-((( I suspect they are coming from the neighbor's dogs. My dogs are mostly outside but come in at times and sleep on our covered screened porch. I also have a cat who is indoor and not on a flea treatment. I imagine they are on the cat as well. What's my best course of action? I'm going out of town this weekend so I'd like to flea bomb the house, etc, any ideas or suggestions as to what products work the best???<BR>> <BR>> It's always one this after another for us...mice, carpet beetles, fleas, wth! <sigh><BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 9<BR>> Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 13:41:13 +0000 (UTC)<BR>> From: surferdogs@comcast.net<BR>> To: dailydrool <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><BR>> Subject: [Dailydrool] New house<BR>> Message-ID:<BR>> <1358278693.1673081254836473294.JavaMail.root@sz0167a.westchester.pa.mail.comcast.net><BR>> <BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"<BR>> <BR>> First of all, Drool to all who need it! Elder Clara, hang in there! The Doc will get you fixed up. <BR>> <BR>> I drove up and back to Malone, NY yesterday to see the house, sign the lease, etc. Boy, are they crazy to rent this house to us! It's gorgeous! Lovely wood around the doors, walnut railing around steps to basement, trey ceiling in master bedroom....still waiting for the appliances later this week and the plumber was putting in the sinks, shower enclosure, and a few other finishing touches. They were also putting up the weather stripping around the garage doors to insulate the heated garage. The garage floor is painted, with a large drain, and a hose bib right in the garage itself! Covered porches front and back. I set the flags out to mark the fence line and purchased 12.5 gauge welded wire fencing and metal stakes for a temporary fence to get us through the winter. I marked an area 50'x125', so that should be plenty for everyone to get out and about. I need to call the handyman to see if he can put in the posts and string the wire for me. I can reinforce things if needed whe<BR>> n I get there, but if the general structure is up, then at least the houndage can get outside with supervision. It's a level ground, so no big valleys where they can duck under. <BR>> <BR>> Still packing and getting things ready to go. I'd hoped to get up there by the 16th, but think it will be into the next week before I get things done here and can go. That means I'll probably start the new job 10/26. I really want to get started, but at 5 1/2hrs each way, I can't run back here except for weekends when I have time off. But we are safe and happy and will be moved in a couple of weeks to start our new life up North. <BR>> <BR>> I'm not on line too much, with all the packing and painting, but we are thinking of everyone and sending drool when needed! <BR>> <BR>> Synthia, so many bellies to rub, so little time <BR>> Bud, Barney, Zuma, Kahuna, Pearl, Peaches (From NEBHR as of 10/10) <BR>> Ace, Kirby - both therapy dogs ready to work! <BR>> -------------- next part --------------<BR>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<BR>> URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20091006/27dcae7f/attachment-0001.htm><BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 10<BR>> Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 23:44:51 -0700 (PDT)<BR>> From: Sally King <sallyemking@yahoo.co.uk><BR>> To: Daily Drool <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><BR>> Subject: [Dailydrool] Younger Clara is home<BR>> Message-ID: <161997.99084.qm@web24502.mail.ird.yahoo.com><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"<BR>> <BR>> I collected younger Clara from the vetspital last night. She clearly thinks all her suffering was my fault and won't even look at me.She is still very weak and sleepy, but has eaten some chickie in rice.<BR>> The vet nurse showed me the offending peach pit in a sample bottle. Tempted as I was to gold plate it, I asked them to dispose of it.<BR>> I still can't quite get my head round how she went from a bit poorly to almost dead so quickly.<BR>> Thank you for all the good wishes.<BR>> Sally, with Rolph and Clara, UK<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> -------------- next part --------------<BR>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<BR>> URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20091005/d8adfaa0/attachment-0001.htm><BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 11<BR>> Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 05:11:44 -0700<BR>> From: <clara@spiritone.com><BR>> To: dailydrool@dailydrool.org<BR>> Subject: [Dailydrool] Drool for Elder Clara<BR>> Message-ID: <200910061211.n96CBiZj021853@sapphire.spiritone.com><BR>> <BR>> Fiona and Louie are slinging drool for Elder Clara. Fiona loves hearing Clara stories and aspires to be just like her one day. <BR>> <BR>> Drool to all in need.<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Adrienne<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 12<BR>> Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 16:59:21 +0200<BR>> From: Eleri Pastouret <elerimist@free.fr><BR>> To: dailydrool@dailydrool.org<BR>> Subject: [Dailydrool] Miss Polly has a toothache<BR>> Message-ID: <854BD3AE-432F-48CD-986A-D19A53193E1A@free.fr><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Bonejour from France.<BR>> <BR>> My little sis, Miss Polly, would appreciate some "get well soon" drool.<BR>> <BR>> This afternoon we had to take Miss Polly to the vetman <sigh>. Da mum <BR>> thought she had something wrong with her eye but it works out that she <BR>> has an abcess on her back tooth and the infection has affected the <BR>> whole of the side of her face, up to the eye. She's on meds - anti <BR>> inflamatories and anti biotics for a week, then we go back to see if <BR>> it's necessary to pull the tooth <ouch>. Poor thing, her eye was only <BR>> inflamed this morning, but she must have been suffering with the tooth <BR>> before then. She was eating normally, though. I suppose it takes a <BR>> lot to put a basset off it's food ha!ha!<BR>> <BR>> Hugs, lurps and drool to all.<BR>> <BR>> Miss Penny<BR>> (Miss Polly - I can only see half the world, now)<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 13<BR>> Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 13:32:56 -0400<BR>> From: "Dawn" <dlvj@ptd.net><BR>> To: "An internet mail list designed to entertain and inform basset<BR>> hounds and their people." <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><BR>> Subject: Re: [Dailydrool] Elder Clara Update<BR>> Message-ID: <0D07FD2ADA3345E6B19E06FA8CF8174C@dawnaeaec79779><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<BR>> <BR>> First let me tell you that I have all the dogs drooling for Elder Clara including the "grandog mastiff" and trust me he drools in large amounts. Lucy and Lilly are doing their best to send their share too.<BR>> <BR>> Back in May, our lab Daisy was in the emergency vetspital here and we honestly thought she was going to leave us. We had been camping in VA and she got very weak and listless and of course it was a weekend and couldn't get a vet so we didn't get her seen until Tuesday after we returned home. Our vet sent us to the Northeast Animal Hospital and she was there 3 days. I called to check on her and asked if we should come to visit her and the vet said that they found that a lot of times the dogs will perk up after seeing their humans. I was concerned as you are that we would cause her more stress when we couldn't bring her home. Anyway, my son and I drove up to see her and she was happy to see us. We took her some food from home as she didn't care for the menu that they were providing and also some good treats. She ate for us and we took her out for a short walk until she got weak again but she was happy to see us. When we left she left the room with the vet as if she knew<BR>> that she needed to stay at least 1 more day.....she was a trooper....I cried. As it turned out after much expensive blood work, her problem was a non functioning thyroid and when we did bring her home she was given thyroid pills just like mine.....lol. She is her old self now but the visit did her no harm whatsoever. She is totally devoted to me but she understood that she needed to get better.........at least I think so. I think if I were you, I would go and visit her and take her a treat if she can eat anything. She might need to know that you haven't given up on her.<BR>> <BR>> Dawn Jackson, momslave to Lucy, Lilly and Daisy the labbie<BR>> -------------- next part --------------<BR>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<BR>> URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20091006/10f4fc3b/attachment-0001.htm><BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 14<BR>> Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 13:47:04 -0400<BR>> From: "Tom and Debbie Roberts" <stanpen@comcast.net><BR>> To: <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><BR>> Subject: [Dailydrool] Toenail Clipping<BR>> Message-ID: <001401ca46ad$0475b570$0d612050$@net><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"<BR>> <BR>> I know we all have hounds that either tolerate or hate having their nails<BR>> clipped. I know when Roscoe gets his nails clipped, it takes 3 or 4 people<BR>> and sometimes he needs to be muzzled. Apparently, his toenails are one of<BR>> his most prized possessions and he just hates having them trimmed. <BR>> <BR>> Apparently, this hatred extends to his people cutting their toenails. My<BR>> husband was trimming his nails the other night and Roscoe completely backed<BR>> away from him and made a beeline outside and far out of reach. Has this<BR>> happened to anyone else?<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Debbie<BR>> <BR>> Owned by Clarabelle and Roscoe<BR>> <BR>> Being Watched Over by Penelope, Stanley and Casey ATB<BR>> <BR>> -------------- next part --------------<BR>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<BR>> URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20091006/82550b41/attachment-0001.htm><BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> Message: 15<BR>> Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 11:41:20 -0700<BR>> From: "Sandy Gaston" <sandy@animalnature.com><BR>> To: <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><BR>> Subject: [Dailydrool] FW: She ruled with an iron paw and big heart and<BR>> will run Woofels for the poor hounds from the Bridge.<BR>> Message-ID: <BD384B855B9D4C45B45A21AC486E3503@SandyPC><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"<BR>> <BR>> _____ <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Aroooing from Melba Toast,<BR>> <BR>> I only AROOO from the Bridge these days on special request and this is the<BR>> most special. The hound that held high the training of the humans, the giver<BR>> of title, and trust me you had to work hard for that title of Pw, yes, Miss<BR>> Pw. Brandy has made her way to the Rainbow Bridge. <sigh> Since Sir Boxer<BR>> made his way to the Bridge he never left his cloud and just hung over it<BR>> watching over his beloved HoneyPieSugerBunch, Miss Brandy. Sir Boxer was the<BR>> first to welcome her as she waddled across the rainbow and the Bridge is<BR>> covered with beautiful rose pedals. My beloved my beloved Brady is here<BR>> woofwoof she is here. FEYFEY was woofing at me to get the buffet ready<BR>> because she needed to meet her friend, FEY woof to make sure there was NO<BR>> rabbit food on the buffet just lots of chicken, roast beast, mac and cheese,<BR>> peanut-butter cups and cookies lots and lots of trays of cookies. Oh and<BR>> Melba please don't forget the piggy ears either every thing has to be just<BR>> right or Brandy will woof at us. Nudgie was there woofin with Brandy about<BR>> how his family was and wanted to know every thing about the Boardwaddle as<BR>> Nudgie was a family friend and spent many a night with Brandy's slaves in<BR>> their hotel at the waddle. Queen Poppy waddled over to save Brandy from all<BR>> the hounds who wanted just to woof with her, Poppy woofed you can ask her<BR>> all about your families and friends later she just got here. Then they all<BR>> went over to the buffet Sir Boxer held out her chair and the feast began. At<BR>> Brandy's place at the buffet sat a whole dish filled with Hersey Kisses, she<BR>> gave Boxer the paw of approval. After bellies were full they all woofed<BR>> around that big bowl of stars in the sky telling stories and woofing about<BR>> family and waddles. Wrinkles and Waddles woofed to Brandy about there mama<BR>> Cathy cause she too spent time with the Pw and her slaves. Then Boxer woofed<BR>> come on my HoneyPie and let me show you your special cloud right over your<BR>> earth home, a big fluffy cloud so sweet smelling and soft she couldn't<BR>> believe it. There was a couch and lots of blankies all ready for her on that<BR>> cloud. Boxer woof he would hop up on the couch so she could have time to<BR>> woof to her family. Brandy all ready knew they could hear her. WOOFWOOFWOOF<BR>> mamaslave please don't cry so much, I went to the Bridge the way I lived<BR>> every day with you MYWAY. You were so trainable, I loved you BIG and my<BR>> love forever will be in your heart and yours love in mine. Johnny, listen<BR>> close you were like one of my pups, I have know you all of your life, when<BR>> you feel the wind blow across your face know I had a paw in that, letting<BR>> you I am always with you and watching over you. You took great care of this<BR>> old girl all her life, you feed me some of the best foods any one ever gave<BR>> me and I will never forget all the secrets you shared with me, that rain<BR>> drop is my tear, I miss you all ready Johnny. To my drool family of hounds I<BR>> am here watching over each and every one of you woofs. You must keep up with<BR>> the slave training as it is impawtant to keep them humans on their toes and<BR>> waiting on you, also making sure your slaves help the poor hounds, that is<BR>> just how it is. You will know when you have reached being a Pw. It is just<BR>> part of being a basset. Please still write to the drool about your training<BR>> because there are always new hounds that need tips. I enjoyed so much<BR>> testing my slaves and they always passed well most of the time. now I will<BR>> watch over everyone from my cloud and enjoy the never ending buffet. I will<BR>> still make sure money is raise for the poor hounds. There is much at goes on<BR>> here at the Rainbow Bridge. Now I think I will take my<BR>> houndymannonbuttsniffin Sir Boxer and go check out some of the other clouds.<BR>> I had a great life Thank you slave of my heart!! Tonight my love will be the<BR>> brightest star in the sky right over the house. Droolies my<BR>> LOVESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS<BR>> <BR>> <heavy sigh><BR>> <BR>> Brandy's slave asked me to have Melba woof something from the Bridge. She<BR>> can't find her fingers to write yet but she will in time. Brandy was 15 and<BR>> not in good health for some time. Doesn't make it any easier we all know.<BR>> You can write her at angelikabrn@hotmail.com I had the pleasure of meeting<BR>> the Pw more than once and she even gave me a little kiss once, things that<BR>> were said about her, well she was every thing and more, I was honored to<BR>> know her and have her woof me. <BR>> <BR>> -------------- next part --------------<BR>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<BR>> URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20091006/70721aa0/attachment.htm><BR>> <BR>> ------------------------------<BR>> <BR>> _______________________________________________<BR>> Dailydrool mailing list<BR>> Dailydrool@dailydrool.org<BR>> http://lists.dailydrool.org/listinfo.cgi/dailydrool-dailydrool.org<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> End of Dailydrool Digest, Vol 79, Issue 4<BR>> *****************************************<BR> </body>