Try pilling a cat. Then you'll think that pilling a dog is the easiest thing in the world! It's all a matter of perspective. ;)
<div><br></div><div>I've been fortunate (?) to have very food-motivated hounds. I've really never had trouble hiding a pill and getting them to take it. The only one that could be difficult was Hannah. She KNEW there was a pill (her Proin) in there. It's not that she really minded, but she used that to get cream cheese. If you didn't properly cover the pill, she would lick off the cream cheese and spit the pill back out. So then you would pick up the pill--right in front of her--and coat it with extra cream cheese. Then she'd eat it. She was a bit bossy. :)</div>
<div><br></div><div>We had a pet sitter that thought she knew better and could pill Hannah without the cream cheese. When we got home, we found several dry Proins hidden under Hannah's bed! (And I don't re-hire pet sitters who don't follow my written instructions...)</div>
<div><br></div><div>Another thing that always helped us was having another dog there. The other one gets a bit of the yummy treat without a pill, and his/her presence will often make the one needing meds gobble theirs down faster.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Good luck!</div><div><br></div><div>Jaclyn</div><div>Abbie (who will be very upset when the two weeks of peanut butter/antibiotic snacks is finished) </div><div>Josh (who will be, too!)</div><div>And four cats who I refuse to pill ever again. They will just go to the vet.</div>