Now that our temps have dropped to highs in the 30's, our houndage is also
spending more time indoors, except of course for the hairy hound who will
sit outside in a blizzard if we have one.<br /><br />Almost 9 years ago,
we sold a puppy to a family in southern California. A few years ago,
while the now grownup puppy was in New York for Westminster, I went
along. While we were there, New York had a record breaking snow
storm. Blossom's California mom was convinced Blossom would
instantly freeze to death, but I reminded her that Blossom was born a
Wisconsn girl and was still a Wisconsin girl at heart. Sure enough,
when we took her outside, she immediately headed off the shoveled sidewalk
and onto a snowbank where she happily peed. By the time we left, she
would only pee if she could do it with her feet in snow. I told her
mom she would need to buy a Sno Cone machine so Blossom could have snow to
pee on back home in southern CA.!<br /><br />crazy basset lady<br />MAKE
DROOL NOT WAR <br /><br />Please take time to visit these websites: <br
/>Rebec Bassets at <br /> <br />Basset Buddies Rescue,
Inc. at <br /><br />