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<DIV> Drool for Basil after his surgery!!!</DIV>
<DIV>Barney had his spleen out last March for a softball sized tumor, and another golf ball sized one we found at the end of the spleen when he was opened up. There were signs of bleeding, but nothing major yet - we got in there just in time. He did have a malignant tumor, but 7 months later he is going strong! He's about 13 years old, so I didn't know what to expect. We did another ultrasound about a month ago and his liver and kidneys are clear. There are changes at the base of the spleen, but no way to tell by the U/S whether it's just scar tissue or cancer. But, we've gotten much more time that the statistics show, and he is still moving right along. Now he's getting ready to move to NY and try life in the Adirondacks. Such a sweet boy, I'm so happy he did well with the surgery and hasn't let a cancer diagnosis get him down.</DIV>
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<DIV>With luck and drool, Basil will get the same result!</DIV>
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<DIV>Synthia, so many bellies to rub, so little time</DIV>
<DIV>Bud, Barney, Zuma, Kahuna, Pearl, Peaches</DIV>
<DIV>Ace & Kirby</DIV></TD></TR>
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