Well we gots sumfin goin on here but we not shure whut it are yet. Dis mornin MomPerson feeded ebberbuddy but Mr. Cooper Sir, whut kept axin for he breffast too but didint getit.<br>Den she go round pickin up all da wadder! Nobuddy git a drinkawadder eben! She dun dis when she seen Mr. Cooper Sir hedded for da wadder. Oh No she say an snetch it rite out frum unner he mouf! <br>
So whut heppenin?<br>Ohhhh....I sees.<br>Yestiddy MPerson fine a liddel teeny bump on da big blek dog front leg. An befour you say "hey youse got a bump on you leg" he in dat Van an on he way to da Vetman.<br>So Vetman say oh nuffin prolly, but youse wannit off? An Mr. Cooper Sir stanning dere sayin no hey no it fine, it reely fine no need to get all crazee heer<br>
But MPerson such a worriewort say YES<br>So poor Mr. Cooper Sir gotta go get he bump off dis mornin.<br>Fink ob it. A hole day almoss wif no yarkin at we for playin! or tellin we we canit wrassle or play allygador mouf...<br>
<br>Allasame it gone seem strenge an we hopin he be ok an da bump be a bump an not sumfin ebil.<br>So we gone drool a liddel for Mr. Cooper Sir, an some for Doc who gone hab MomPerson rite dere lookin ober he sholder sayin "he breevin? he breevin?" We finks Doc prolly need calmin drool more den MomPerson.....<br>
<br>Lub an drool to all in need,<br><br>Nigel, Llewis an Conley<br>