<div>Laurie - Hi! <waving> I'm in Puyallup, not far from King Bob! I'll be bringing all 3 houndies. All of them are from Alexa, so's we gotta go show off our good manners we've learned! <crossing fingers> It'll be an interesting 50+ mile drive with 3 hounds in my itty bitty honda civic 2dr hatchback - think about that for a minute... a 45 pounder, 50 pounder & 80ish pounder... me & maybe my sis... with POTLUCK DISH??? in a Honda 2DOOR HATCHBACK? <shaking head> I'll be the nutcase looking for a valium!</div>
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<div>Renee, ear treatment - I peeked in Sara Sue's ear with an otoscope last night & so far no green pus in there. Considering this is the longest she's gone without a discharge in about 3months is nice... still too soon tho. There's still some of the sticky icky ooey gooey med stuff vet filled her brain cavity with slowly coming out. <Ya know... I could probably glue something back together with that stuff!> It's supposed to last 2 weeks, but vet said to call if I noticed anything "not right". I will definately let you know how it's going. I'm thinking happy thoughts! :)</div>
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<div>Laura & the gang - Thanks for the drool for Sara Sue!</div>
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<div>vikki momperson</div>
<div>spencer/cujo, sassy sara sue, hal e bear</div>
<div>sebastian atb, natasha atb</div>