Well, after a horribly sleepless night, and a horrible morning & afternoon that I was convinced that I'd get a call saying something horrible, my big beluga boy is still waddelin' about. VERY slowly, but still goin'! He still has some fluid in his abdomen, but the vets said since it was worse than yesterday, that they did agree to remove some. They didn't want to do that yesterday, something about removing it all at once causing issues w/the organs, and possibly shocking the system too much. But, the vet & his assistant (I think he's a DVM student doing a residency, but not sure...) are completely baffled...<br>
<br>They did some X-rays again today. Heart, lungs & diaphram are all fine, no fluid around them. The bladder is suppossedly working okay, as they put in a catheter to take another sample, and they found no blockages, and he's peeing MUCH better now! He was stuggling all night, to pee, I think that's why he got even bigger today. The kidneys are not shutting down, which I thought they would say was the case, as they said that they are showing protein in the urine still. His creotine levels were a bit high, and his albumin was high, as were his white blood cells, but vetman says that it's like pieces of things, not the whole picture.<br>
<br>For instance, he's not running a major fever, but they think it's an infection. The fluid in the abdomen is clear, like water, no blood, no cancerous cells, no nothing, just clear fluid. The internist said she'd put her money on addisons, but the albumin levels were NOT low enough to cause excess fluid in the abdomen. Vetman said possibly some sort of sever nephritis, but that doesn't explain the fluid either...<br>
<br>So, they're at a loss, but his CBC is MUCH different than it was last month, and this literally happened over night. Anyone out in drool land ever dealt w/anything like this before? Info would be appreciated if so. Also, Slater still needs some major drool! I really thought we were going to loose him, and poor baby's terribly uncomfortable!!<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>-Karrie, momma to Joey, Aunty to Checkers & Crispin (wb)<br><br>Joey's dogster page: <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/637473">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/637473</a><br><br>GABR Waddle Pledge page: <a href="http://www.firstgiving.com/kueckerhounds">http://www.firstgiving.com/kueckerhounds</a> <br>