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<P>Deer Roland:</P>
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<P>Yippeee! I am now Princess of Chaos or Princess of K-OS - I just can't make up my mind which I like best.</P>
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<P>Just to celebrate the good news - I went out and cruised the counter while Mom was making samiches and stole a piece of bread with butter. That was good. </P>
<P>Then a couple of days later, when the Momslave and Dadslave went out, I found these cookies from Britain what had chocolate on one side and helped myself to 5 of them! Yummy! Mom said I could have gotten a really bad tummyache. Bwwaahahahahaha....</P>
<P>Then on da weekend , she left some fish fillets out on the counter and I got one! Mom & Dad neerly caught me, but I ran off and gobbled it down before they could catch me. Mom thinks I might like Japanese food - something about sashimi, she said. Wat's dat? I not eating any clothes.</P>
<P>I'm on vacashun at the Bowen Island Dog Ranch near Vancouver having a great time running around wit my furends. When my Mom & Dad gets home, maybe we can decide which name is best.</P>
<DIV>Congratulashuns to Bubba the Bulldozer on getting OEBE status and Good Luck to Trixie - hope you get your status, too. We girls have to stick together!</DIV>
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<DIV>Thanks, Roland.</DIV>
<DIV>Lucie, Princess of Chaos or K-OS, OEBE (I'm so Proud!)</DIV>
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<DIV>Mom here: </DIV>
<DIV>Janice, healing drool for your bursitis. And healing drool to all those sick houndies -there are too many.</DIV>
<DIV>Sad ahroos to the Slaves whose bassets who have gone over to the Bridge - it's so hard when they go.</DIV></BODY></html>