Joey - 10, Verticle blinds - 0<br>Joey - 1, Squirt Bottle - 0<br>Joey - 3, strap tying the linen closet door shut - 0, linen closet door - -2, door knob - -1, shelf in closet - -1<br>Joey - 0, textbooks - 3 (he's REALLY LUCKY that he didn't destroy those!!!!!)<br>
Joey - 2, bag of pop cans & bottles - 0<br>Joey - 2, trash - 0<br><br>In the last 2 days, Joey has destroyed 10 slats of vertical blinds, he is slowly shredding my bi-fold doors on my linen closet, and RIPPED OUT the knob on one of the doors today!! He knocked everything off of my desk, knocked over, strewn about all of the cans & bottles, chomped on the bag. Took apart my humidifier & chomped on the bag. Either chewed or tried to climb up on the shelves. I have NO IDEA where this came from!! But, I just had maintainence in to look at the blinds, and they want $50 to fix them!! This damn dog needs to stop destroying the place, or we'll all have to leave!!<br>
<br>Seriously, is there some OEBE call that I was unaware of? Is it a phase of the moon? He just has gone absolutely ballistic for no reason the past 2 days!!<br><br>But, if anyone needs a home destroyer, let me know, he can be lent out for demolition work!!<br>
<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>-Karrie, momma to Joey, Aunty to Checkers & Crispin (wb)<br><br>Joey's dogster page: <a href=""></a><br><br>GABR Waddle Pledge page: <a href=""></a> <br>