Hello everyone,<br><br>I read a moment ago that Momperson is in WY. I sure hope that she remembers that we are in Casper, if she comes near here.<br><br>There is an open invitation to all of you that if you ever come anywhere near Casper, please give us a call. We have driven hours to meet people, and I can't think of anyone we would rather see than all of you from the Drool.<br>
<br>If your on vacation, or in the state for work, let us know. You have family in Casper.<br><br>Houndie Hugs and Snooter Kisses from the Caspaw Cwew!<br><br>In Drool,<br><br>Babe: <a href="http://dogster.com/dogs/261208">dogster.com/dogs/261208</a><br>
Boomer: <a href="http://dogster.com/dogs/235129">dogster.com/dogs/235129</a><br>Arnie: <a href="http://dogster.com/dogs/281040">dogster.com/dogs/281040</a><br>Shannon (an absolute, total, complete BassetCase) <br>Facebook: <a href="http://facebook.com/shannon.r.gerdel">facebook.com/shannon.r.gerdel</a><br>
MySpace.com/shannongerdel<br><br><br clear="all">Mr. Shannon R. Gerdel<br>3583 Meadowlark Drive<br>Casper, WY<br>82604<br><a href="mailto:bassethoundbutler@gmail.com">bassethoundbutler@gmail.com</a><br>(307) 472-0163<br>