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<div> well, this proves I have been here for quite a while... here is my favorite drool story.<br><br><br>In light of the upcoming howliday...this post should be a howliday tradition :)<br><br>Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 00:41:00 -0500<br>From: "Alexa" <alexa@columbus.rr.com><br>Subject: Ally and Annie's Turkey Adventure<br><br>Re: Ally and Annie's Turkey Adventure<br><br>Arrooo's everyone! Beth asked us to post about Annie's first Thanksgiving<br>with us last year. Anastasia (Annie) is an OBR rescue, her gotcha day was<br>May 2nd of 1999 (BIG thank you OBR!) and she was 10 months old when we<br>rescued her. On with the story ...<br><br>We invited several guests for Thanksgiving last year. I was putting the<br>final touches on the table and had just pulled the turkey out of the oven.<br>It was a gorgeous bird - in fact, the best job I've ever done, if I do say<br>so myself! I placed the turkey on the table, was finishing last minute<br>preparations when the doorbell rang. My hubby (football addict) was glued to<br>the TV watching football. I got his attention, after repeated fake<br>emergencies (house is on fire, etc.), leaving strict instructions with my to<br>guard the bird with his life while I answered the door, just in case our<br>little Annie got curious. Annie was behaving so well. She laid on the floor<br>sleeping amid all the commotion and wonderful smells.<br><br>I answered the door and greeted the guests and as we were approaching the<br>diningroom we heard the strangest noises. "THUD, MARF!" THUMP, MARF, BANG!"<br>We entered the dining room to find my husband jumping up and down because<br>his team scored a touchdown and Annie running up and down the hallway with<br>the turkey on her head, wings a flappin' and stuffing a flyin'. The more she<br>ran, the faster the turkey wings flapped. Her bark from beneath the turkey<br>was a muffled "MARF! MARF!" She was running into the walls and doors trying<br>to escape this big monster on her poor head. I doubled over with laughter,<br>slid down the wall holding my sides and my hubby actually joined me, tearing<br>himself away from his game. I wrestled Annie to the ground, removed that<br>mean old turkey and all we could see were her beautiful brown eyes staring<br>at us from beneath the stuffing which was caked on her face and coming out<br>of her ears and onto the floor. I cleaned her up, still crying from laughter<br>while Annie was trying to attack the turkey on the counter for trying to eat<br>her. The guests were not amused. We dined at a local restaurant and Annie<br>got to eat some healthy slices of turkey before I tossed it in the trash. I<br>cleaned stuffing from her ears for weeks and still have turkey grease spots<br>on the walls and doors. I hope this Thanksgiving is a little less traumatic<br>for our little girl. Maybe we'll just go to a restaurant this year. Happy<br>Turkey Day Everyone!<br><br>Ally, Tom and Anastasia (MARF!)<br><br><br></div><div id="signature" class="signature">
--<br>Hats- Hats, & more Hats come
choose yours
For excellent music by Robert
Kramer, check out
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