<br><br>My condolences to so many of you who have lost four-footed loved ones lately. <br><br>I was very glad to read Nigel's hilarious report of Conley's "disappearing" incident, Elwood's story of mom roasting a rodent, and to see Frank the Tank's "niece" laughing uproariously at him! (Hoep Frank didn't get his feelings hurt!). I needed those three smiles today!!!!<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Menzie Campbell<br>Save a Life - Don't Shop, ADOPT!<br><a href="http://www.ombr.org">www.ombr.org</a><br>Owned by Pw. Annabelle, Hector TVL, Barney TPP, and Bozlee TOS<br><br>