Dis been gost rided by Nigel. Llewis donit want nuffin ta do wif gost ridin. He say dere nuff skery fings out dere wiffout bringinem in da hawse.<br><br>So Ise riting whut Cnly tells me, ok? Ok. Here we goes:<br><br>It so boarin heer lateley.<br>
Dis mornin like I find a mouzie ta pley wif an Ise in da livin room wif it an DadPerson come out an teke it away. He saz it go to MomPersons putermachine,not a reel mouzie. I wundert why it not runnin roun, but it crunchy an fit in my mouf.<br>
Den Ise layin on Mpersons bed an dere dis fingie she youse when she reed at nite. It got dis liddel roun fingie hengin down in da middel. An Ilayin dere an layin dere an dis hengin dere rite ober my sweet liddel hed [Nigel here sayin oh ya rite"sweet liddel hed" my patootie] an sos I tekes a sparimendal nippel juss as MPerson turn roun an YELL at me! So Istop. I a good boy. I wate till she not lookin an tri agin but wooden cha nose she turns round JUSSTHEN an dis time she teke it away. She say "dumbunny dat a LITE BULB"<br>
[Nigel here: dat not whut she call im, but dats ok]<br><br>Den I fines sum nappykin fings. Now ok ya ok dey wuznt juss out lain aroun. Ok? But he leff he coat out. Hankin onna chair. Youse nose dat he leeve dem liddel nappykinsfings in he coat pucket? Juss beggin to be free. So ok I gottem an I play wiffem for awhile but dey gotted soggie an kinder fell in liddel peeces all ober da floor...an ob course, insted ob seeyin how much fun dey had befour dey kinda deyed...ooooooooloookee here! Lookee dis big rubber boot! I fink I juss teke dis in da odder room for a bit bye now<br>
I luvs you<br>luv<br>Cnly<br><br>[Dis Nigel Ise leebing before DadPerson see whut dat goofball got now he good Mucky boot...<br>Drool to all in need speshually you Bob an as yuzeyual, Hey to Brudder E <br>Nigel da gost rider]<br>