BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH<br>NEW PUPPY!!!<br>BWWAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH<br>My "new puppy" who is now 11 months old just ate my lip balm. Add that to the other things he has snarked during the evening and that puts his score at about 5. For this evening.<br>
Puppies have energy in direct proportion to your fatigue. The more tired you are, the more wired the puppy. You want a nap? You better duct tape the puppy to the wall.<br>(Please don't duct tape the puppy to anything. I am sure you wouldn't, but just in case you are tempted about the third night without any sleep, I am reminding you.)<br>
<br>Actually my puppies slept well. When they slept.<br>Conley just has more oomph than the other Bassets I have had. He climbs. Everything. The other day he fell off the back of the couch and trapped himself between the couch and the wall. I didn't know until I saw his little head peering over the back of the couch.<br>
I have also found him on top of the chest freezer, and the washing machine.Dining room table. Upstairs. ....and on and on......<br>When he had been here two weeks he was opening the cupboards. He was 14 weeks old.<br>He is an absolute brat.<br>
He screams if I leave him crated and walk away. (Altho he is getting better about that.)<br>He is spoiled rotten.<br>He is the most fun I have had in 4 years, when I had my one and only litter of puppies. I don't regret one second of it.<br>
Have a blast.<br><br>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis, Conley & Cooper<br><br>