That is exactly what my husband said when I told him the name GIDDOWNWHADDAYUGOT or whatever it was-- NO MORE DOGS I believe were his exact words,and as usual I laughed as I walked out of the room. He said that before and ignored him then and will ignore him now. Does he think as I get older I get more compliant????<br>
I think he is afraid I will kick the bucket before him and leave him with Conley and Cooper, who basically only listen to me.....Nigel and Llewis just don't listen period, and he is used to that but it annoys him that Conley and Cooper will pay attention to what I say and not to what he says. (Conley only APPEARS to listen to me but I have managed to make it look good.)<br>
However. Certainly there will be no more now. Four is plenty. I have seven people and four dogs to contend with on Tday and so far the only solution I have come up with is that we eat outside and leave the house to the dogs. Since I live near Chicago and it is November, I hope everyone brings winter coats. And gloves.<br>
<br>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis, Conley the wonder dog, (in his own mind) and Cooper<br>