<div>Healing drool for Buddydawg. Rene'e, do you think you could manage to do an injection? My cat Dugan ATB was famous for not taking pills, and would stop eating when I tried to pill him. Sometimes the vet would give me injectable antibiotics to administer at home. It really wasn't too bad, and he liked that a lot better than pilling him. Good luck!</div>
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<div>Drool for Lori Lu -- please let us know how she's doing. That poor baby deserves some happiness now that she has finally found a wonderful forever home.</div>
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<div>Welcome to Chumley! We hope you'll post pictures.</div>
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<div>How is King Bob the Dog doing? His loyal subjects Geoffrey, Molly, and Henry are still sending tons of drool.</div>
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<div>Drool for Honey -- we're glad she's recovering well and hope the biopsy news is good.</div>
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<div>Drool for Momma and Dad Winchester, that they're both feeling better soon. Elder Clara, you need to insist that they go see a doctor!</div>
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<div>Hanni, thanks for sharing the good news that both Chilliepepper and Mike are doing so much better. Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Rosebud, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>