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Us Tana gurls wanted to tell ya we twied sumpin noo wif an ornymint and the recipeeant really liked it. She wanted a sort of memorial to her houndy dat had gone to da bwidge so we got momma to put a rainbow above the name. So if any of yoo mite wanna do that to wemember any of yer hounds pweeze contact us, butcha bedder hurry cuz tyme is runnin owt. <BR>
Oh and before weez forget, we got mom up at 2am to go owt and potty and low and behold she found a mouse had drowned in owr wadder bowl. Yikes. it is a perty high bowl and tapered so we donut know how it got in there but it shure dint get owt. Mom was sooooooo glad we didn's see it first.<BR>
Hurry and get home King Bobby. Hope yer mom and aunty Debbie Winchester feel bedder real soon.<BR>
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