<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV>My Carlie Jane used to be a fluffy girl.I used to be her pet sitter and it all culminated when she got sick on my watch and we ended up at the emergency cliic.I was so embarassed all I could say was "this is not my fault". She weighed 76 lbs. and she is a petite girl.When she'd stand up on her back legs, she had rolls of fat around her tail.They did x-rays and said her back legs were already having difficulty and she was 4. I had a "talk" with her owner,as did her personal vet, and the dieting began. No more shared popsicles (ew!) or licking the ice cream bowl while there were still scoops in it.She was changed to light food and was weaned down to one cup in the a.m. and one in the p.m. The food change was very gradual, as was the decreasing quantity. I now had her Monday-Friday so it was very helpful. I was once told some of the
dog biscuits have as many calories as a full cup of food. I just use the Science Diet Tartar Control food for treats.It's really high in fiber and one chunk is big enough for them all to think they've gotten a treat.Carrots are also a good option. One side note, I have a measuring cup in the food so I really do use a cup. I can't tell you how many people tell me they only feed their dog a cup of food, only to find out it's a Big Gulp cup! Carlie Jane was given to me permanently when she was six and I was thrilled. She is now eleven years old, 48 lbs., and keeps up with the younger bassets.I love to watch her trot across the yard because she is a happy girl,and it shows. I wish someone would reduce my food to two cups a day and keep me from licking the bowl, but that's another story.</DIV>
<DIV>Janet, Yogi, Bunny, and Carlie Jane (YES, I do have ribs!)</DIV></td></tr></table>