<div>A belated happy Thanksgiving to all of my Daily Drool friends. Hope you spent the day surrounded by those you love best.</div>
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<div>Drool is being sent for Boogie and Buster, that they continue to do well, for Conrad that he makes a full recovery after his surgery, for Louie and his lump, to poor baby Pilgrim's Chance with his parvo, for the Stink and her weak back, for Samers that they don't have to amputate his front leg, and for Cooper and his poor toes. Hope the nail bed isn't damaged and they grow back. And for Honey that her cancer doesn't come back.</div>
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<div>Healing prayers are being sent for Saralyn's Mom and for Maggie's daughter.</div>
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<div>Congratulations Jackie on adopting Pierre Jr -- he is adorable. I know Pierre Sr. had a paw in leading you to him. While Jr will never replace Sr, hopefully he will help close the hole in your heart.</div>
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<div>And belated happy Gotcha Day to Eugene! Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Rosebud, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>