<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV id=yiv1024436269>Cinnamon the Beagle a little cinnamon and white girl. She came to me by way of an owner surrender to the Basset ranch in 2006. Lady calls up and says she want's to surrender her Basset as she has tried everything to keep her out of her kids room, she goes through the kiddie gate to pee in their room. Ok I say bring her up. We meet on the front porch. hmmmm out of the very nice car comes a very terrified Beagle and I never once during the surrender did I say to her she is a Beagle. A light bulb turned on at the end of it all when she saw at the back gate 6 Bassets. She left a 100.00 donation and a priceless look on her face. Oh yes, she also had a terrier at home that she kept. Cin never peed in the house the 3 yrs she was here, guess who was really peeing in the kids room, yep the
terrier. Cinnamon was pulled out of the shelter in 2003 at 8 yrs old by another rescue, she was adopted by her present OS and we took her in at 11, at no fault of Cinnamon. We brought Cin in the house with the intention of walking her up to the kennel. Well she never made it. My heart went out to Cin, she was SO scared. She would not look you in the face, her eyes and head was always pointed towards the ground and cowering when she came near you. She had her special safe zones. I spent lots of time, talking to her and coaxing her to me. Cin came to understand that I wasn't going to hurt her and she began to relax a bit. I started to give her treats while I was eating and yes I taught her how to beg. Why I wanted her to see that she can come to me and look up and not be scared someone was going to be harsh with her. I settled for an ocassional look in the eye, and an unexpected treat Cinnamon
gave me a kiss on the chin, I did not receive many the 3 years she was in the house, but I was very happy she gave me what she could. In Aug 2007 I adopted Cinnamon and she became a member of my pack of hounds 6 Bassets and Cin the Beagle. I never pushed Cin beyond what she felt comfortable enough to give. I knew that I had gained her trust as I saw her when I came through the door running as fast as her little legs would take her, ears flapping, smile on her face to greet me as I came in the house. I received these greetings everyday. I was told that one day Cin ran to the door like always, thinking it was me, but it was someone else, when she saw it wasn't me her whole body deflated and she walked away looking down. I understood then what a difference I had made in this little Beagles life since she came to be with me. Cin wasn't 100 % free of fear, but she came a long way with Mom at her side. Cinammon
you are Missed very much, but you are free of fear and healthy and young once again. As always you and each of my seniors have made an uncredible impact on my life, I am grateful for each and everyone of you, yes our times together have been short but you all taught me more love than any Human Being ever did or will. My choice of life companions will always be a Basset senior. <BR><BR>http://community.webshots.com/user/carolsd21<BR>facebook.com/ownedbybassets.<BR><BR>Carol and her hounds <BR>Specializing in Senior Hounds. They are my heart and soul.<BR>Senior Bassets are the best Adopt one It will add wonderful and special moments to your life. Not to mention giving them as many loving last days or years they have.<BR><BR>Megan 15 GD 8/07, Cleo 15 GD 8/07 ATB 12/12/08, Josie 14 GD 10/04 ATB 11/27/09, Cinnamon 14 GD 8/07(Beagle) ATB 11/7/09, Kai 12 GD 2/07 ATB 8/16/08, Kami 10 GD 1/07, Baxter 10 GD 7/01<BR><BR>Our task must be to
free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in it's beauty-----Albert Einstein</DIV></td></tr></table><br>