<div>Thank you to everyone for the great support for Bobs 11th Birthday Woofle..altho Bobs 11th Birthday ended up not being what we had hoped for when he went down in the rear we are very hopeful that he will be up and walking again soon, thanks to a wonderful surgeon, a great Physical Therapist but mostly cause of the powers of the "Healing Drool".</div>
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<div>We want to thank everyone who bought woofle tickets we raised a tremendous 1395.00 after expenses (paypal & firstgiving fees) which means each of our three rescues will be getting $465.00 ... whohoo.. we couldn't have done it without you.</div>
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<div>We would like to give special thanks to the great contributors who are always very generous with helping hounds and rescue causes; Angelika Hastings, Ellie Foth, Katie Poore, Cookie Goldizen, Kay Jordan, Susan Green, Susan Davenport, Judy Odinek, Donna Lindy, Anitra Montoya, Lisa Potter, Cat Rudert, Ginny Tata-Phillips, Carol Shreiner, Liz Schillinger, & Lauraine Snelling.</div>
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<div>But mostly without all of your great Basset Rescue Supporters who bought Woofle tickets and Birthday Wishes..we couldn't have done it without you!!!!</div>
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<div><br clear="all">King Bob the DOg, Jasmine, Lenny & Lexie<br><br>The Life and TImes of Ben G Meyer<br><a href="http://s166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/cowbobdog/?action=view¤t=9791efac.pbr">http://s166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/cowbobdog/?action=view¤t=9791efac.pbr</a><br>
<br>Bobs store <a href="http://www.KBspecialties.com">www.KBspecialties.com</a><br></div>