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I lurk and have gained alot of knowledge by following the Drool. However, reading Synthia's most recent post angered me to the point that I had to wait 24 hours before replying to it. I have lived in Northern New York for 57 years most specifically Massena, New York. I have been owned by 2 basset hounds both adopted from ABC Basset Rescue. Massena Humane Society is a wonderful organization with a dedicated staff that is under the economic pressures as all rescues and humane societies are in these times. Synthia states that she has applied and been approved to adopt "Marmaduke" a young stray male basset. She then stated that she could not leave him there to be scooped up by someone to use for hunting and be housed outdoors in subzero temperatures to " toughen him up as often is the case in this area." Well the truth is that dogs of all kinds are subjected to living outdoors in all kinds of weather in all areas of this country. To apply that statement to this specific area by someone who has lived here for less than 2 months is a disservice to responsible owners in the area. If I made the statement that anyone with over 6 dogs could not possibly give them each the attention they each need, that would be horribly wrong and offensive to those responsible owners in that situation. <BR>
I wish you well with your newest addition. I hope you will learn the many positive things that this area has to offer.<BR>
Gracie May<BR>
Ginger ATB 11/8/09<BR> <br /><hr />Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/177141665/direct/01/' target='_new'>Sign up now.</a></body>