<div>Last fall we came home from the grocery store and my husband walked into the family room and started yelling for me. There was a band of bloody stain about two inches wide across the front of the sofa. Bloody messes here there and everywhere on the berber carpeting and droplets of blood up the steps. It too, turned out to be a huge cyst that was apparently on her hip area. There was a hole the size of a quarter and a crater the size of a tennis ball. I kid you not. I flooded the opening with 3 bottles of hydrogen peroxide before it ran clear. Then I packed it with a large amount of neosporin. Next day I took her to the vet for some antibiotics. We cannot put her under for surgery because she has heart and liver issues and her age. But after several weeks the crater shrank up and the hole closed up. Took a while and had to be cleaned every day. Fortunately she was cooperative about it. She still occasionally has smaller cyst eruptions which I treat the same way.(Although I recommend to anyone to take your dog to the vet to be checked) She often wears a bandage and people often ask about her boo-boos.</div>
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<div>By the way, we were able to clean the mess up that day with a Little Green Machine and pre-spotting with a Tide/water solution.<br><br>Drool to all in need.<br>Luv and Kissies too.<br>Pwincess LilyGurl, Rudy- Protege to the pwincess, and the rest of the entourage<br>