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Hello Droolers,<BR>
This is Jack of MN. I just wanted to let everyone know that today is my 4th Birthday!!!. The momma said I get special bone after she get home from work. I can't wait!<BR>
Slave here, I can't believe my boy is 4. The husband and I got him from Basset Buddies Rescue in August of 2007. He's full of bassetude, will run away when you want him to come inside, cuddle with you, slap a big wet kiss on your face and I can't imagine life without him. Jack is my husband's buddy. He will carry Jack around the house just because he wants to. Jack will get a special bone and a special dinner (a plain McDonalds cheeseburger).<BR>
Happy Birthday my boy, I lubs you!!!!!!<BR>
Slave to Yowza (hey my birthday is on the 15th) and Jack, the birthday boy!<BR> <br /><hr />Windows Live Hotmail gives you a free,exclusive gift. <a href='http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowslive/hotmail_bl1/hotmail_bl1.aspx?ocid=PID23879::T:WLMTAGL:ON:WL:en-ww:WM_IMHM_7:092009' target='_new'>Click here to download.</a></body>