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I don't want to ask for too much drool as there are others more in need of drool that us; however, just a little for my boys would be appreciated. Yesterday afternoon Morgan and J.D. were fine. Hubby and I went to a holiday open house for about 3 hours and when we came back we were greeted at the door with a not-so-pleasant smell. Morgan had thrown up in the crate and J.D. had explosive diarreah (sp?) in his crate. Oh brother, what a mess. The thing is - they didn't act like they felt bad. After an hour or so of scrubbing, disinfecting, washing beds and crates, I finally got them settled. Morgan seems a little better today, but J.D. still has the "squirts" (thankfully, not in the house this time). So, if you have a little spare drool, please send some for Morgan and J.D. Sick babies scare me. <br><br>Drool to all the sick babies and know that candles have been lit in the Taylor house for all those babies that have made their way to the Bridge. <br><br><br>Dianne - Mom to Morgan, J.D., foster boy Virgil, and new foster girl, Bella (I'm so pretty!)<br><br> <br> <br /><hr />Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/177141664/direct/01/' target='_new'>Sign up now.</a></body>