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I was part of the Howliday card exchange last year, and thoroughly enjoyed it. The gorgeous basset cards covered the basement door, and spilled over onto the pantry door. Unfortunately, this year I am involved in a divorce and finances are tight, so I had to skip it. But, next year, I will do it again! Dewey is so photogenic that getting a good holiday pic should be a lot of fun. <br><br>Many thanks to the person (I am brain dead at the moment) who is posting all their cards.<br><br>Linda and Dewey<br>(Got my dog, got my cat, who needs a man!)<br> <br /><hr />Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/177141664/direct/01/' target='_new'>Sign up now.</a></body>