<div>Ms. Beasley and I thank all the wonderful droolers and their hounds for all the beautiful cards we have received this howliday season. Each day the maillady hands me my mail, she laughs at the return address labels and says, "Your international!" I say no, just lucky to have friends all over the US and the world! Of course, before I can open any of the cards, Ms. Beasley has to THROUGHLY smell them...taking in many many basset scents. I laugh all the time. She was particularly smitten with Sally King's card with Rolph's picture, she actually licked his picture!!</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Merry Christmas!</div>
<div>Ruthie Beattie & </div>
<div>Ms. Beasley Ann (HI EVERYBODY!) </div>