Hi everyone, <br>I so enjoy the drool every single day. I haven't posted in a year, since my Daisy and Lilly escaped one year ago today. Lilly was gone for 3 days and nights during a terrible Northeaster snowstorm. She found her way back to us a year ago Christmas Eve, for that I am very thankful. She is such a beautiful soul.<br>
<br>I want to thank the people who contribute every single day, sharing their stories, wisdom and knowledge. In so many ways, I have learned so much about my wonderful hounds. I have a story to share. Kind of simple, but but warmed my heart to no end.<br>
<br>My husband was recently hospitalized for 10 days. During this time, it was me and all the girls - Daisy, Lilly and 3 cats. On the day my husband was released from the hospital, we thought we would try to sneak him into the house, unbeknown to the girls. <br>
<br>Ya, right.<br><br>Husband went to front door. I let girls out of crates. They go pee. I let husband in house. Lilly, with the "magic snooter" came up the steps to the door, her nose went straight in the air, and she let one hell of a howl out of her. She could smell my husband! She looked, howled, and ran to where he had just walked. She ran to the back yard, howling, and barking. Finally, I let her in the house. She wouldn't stop that loud, oh so very loud howly bark. Until she found him. <br>
<br>Daisy was out on the deck wondering what all the ruckus was. Go figure. <br><br>Same breed, two totally different noses. To watch Lilly search and howl was absolutely amazing. <br><br>Thank you all again for what you all contribute. <br>
<br>Donna, Daisy and Lilly Mitchell<br><br><br>